Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Week 7

Assignment: This week our assignment consisted of creating a story line that includes a person traveling, a person waiting, and a gift for the person waiting.

Craft: In class we chose our group member of which my group member was Oleksandr Grechko. Together we agreed upon a concept, developed and story line and continued to alter and change our story line. After creating the story line we developed a story board consisting of 12 slides of which we have to create through photography. These photographs are to portray our story to the best of it's ability. We also both took photos, one of our slides from the story board, to use in class to experiment with different filters that would help and enhance the delivery of our story.

Composition: The composition of our story consists of a husband who is traveling away on business and will be returning to his waiting wife with a romantic and loving gift in mind. Instead, the only gift he have for his wife is the surprise that he doesn't want to be with her anymore but instead a woman he met while away on business.

Concept: The concept of this story was to be different and to hopefully have a fall, being the breakup, to the raise, being the marriage and family life of one year. I wanted to incorporate an ending that hopefully no one would expect.

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