Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Week 11

Assignment: The assignment for this week was to choose 2 colors to use to help get our story across.

Craft: First me and my partner Oleksandr agreed on the colors red and purple. After choosing the colors we would desaturate our photo to make it black and white. If our photo was a mutli-layered picture then we was to flatten the picture to make it a complete one photo. After desaturating our picture, we could add a filter which I chose chalk and charcole. Next we added a blank layer and dumped a color, one out the two we chose, onto the black layer. We then ordered the layers so that the photo layer is on top and the colored layer is on the bottom. Next was the change the photo layer to multipy so that the background color can come through. Next was to add some more brighter colors. Before adding a different color to the picture we were to add a blank layer for each color or each section we colored differently. Our completed work would have a much more darker background and brighter accents.

Composition: After adding the color, we would end up with a darker background with brighter accents. The reason for the dark background was to distract the viewer's eye away from the background distractions and direct their attention to what was more important. The way we direct the viewer's eye was to color significant details with the brighter color.

Concept: It was definately hard for me to grab the concept on my first time around, but after working with my partner and my teacher I believe that I got the hang of it. These colors were to help our pictures tell the story, and we also chose colors that were totally opposite on the color wheel.

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