Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Week 11

Assignment: The assignment for this week was to choose 2 colors to use to help get our story across.

Craft: First me and my partner Oleksandr agreed on the colors red and purple. After choosing the colors we would desaturate our photo to make it black and white. If our photo was a mutli-layered picture then we was to flatten the picture to make it a complete one photo. After desaturating our picture, we could add a filter which I chose chalk and charcole. Next we added a blank layer and dumped a color, one out the two we chose, onto the black layer. We then ordered the layers so that the photo layer is on top and the colored layer is on the bottom. Next was the change the photo layer to multipy so that the background color can come through. Next was to add some more brighter colors. Before adding a different color to the picture we were to add a blank layer for each color or each section we colored differently. Our completed work would have a much more darker background and brighter accents.

Composition: After adding the color, we would end up with a darker background with brighter accents. The reason for the dark background was to distract the viewer's eye away from the background distractions and direct their attention to what was more important. The way we direct the viewer's eye was to color significant details with the brighter color.

Concept: It was definately hard for me to grab the concept on my first time around, but after working with my partner and my teacher I believe that I got the hang of it. These colors were to help our pictures tell the story, and we also chose colors that were totally opposite on the color wheel.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Week 8

Assignment: The assignment for this week was to bring in the photos that would fully enhance the critical points of our story. These photos were to come together, using Photoshop, to develop 9 to 12 slides of from our storyboard that we developed last week. Using Lighthouse we were expected to create a contact sheet with all of our photos titled in correspondence to their placement in the storyboard. In class we learned how to use different filters, preferably ones that gave our photo a black and white effect, and add color on top of that filter to give our photo a comic book look. We learned to place more darker color on the background and brighter colors to accent anything that needed to stand out.

Craft: Before shooting photos over the weekend my father, who was to be used as a character, left town on a business trip so I had to substitute my mom and dad for my sister and friends. After shooting over the weekend, me and my partner brought in our pictures into class and ordered and titled them so that they would be in order going by which slide that were to be used in. Using Lighthouse, we imported our photos and printed out our contact sheet. After turning in our contact sheet we then learned different effects to use on our photos. The one technique we learned was to give our photo a comic book look. To achieve this look we first added a filter, using Photoshop, that would automatically change our photo to black and white. For my photo I chose the chalk and charcoal effect. After doing this we had to unlock our background layer and title it "photo". Next we added a blank layer, and chose a dark color that we wanted to use and filled the new layer with that color, afterwards we titled that layer after that color. Next was to add another blank layer and choose a brighter color and color whatever it was that was to direct the viewer's attention. Afterwards we was to also title this layer with that specific color. To add more color we just followed the previous steps.

Composition: The picture that I like the most was the photo that I created on my own with the comic book look. I like this photo the best because I find the comic book look to be really cool, colorful and fun. I added four different colors to this picture to express what was most important in my picture. Two different colors were used on my character's skin to express and direct the attention of the viewer's to the importance of the conversation between the two. My background color was one color and I added another color to the wall to offset the color of my background and to give my picture more of a background look so that the walls can be seen more better.

Concept: The concept of this picture, as well as the rest of our pictures, is to show the viewer what is most important in each frame so that he or she can follow the story. The concept that we want others to follow is that a husband has left town for a few days and his wife is home alone waiting for him. Instead of coming home with a beautiful romantic gift, he instead comes home with another woman revealing that he no longer wants to be in the marriage any longer.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Week 7

Assignment: This week our assignment consisted of creating a story line that includes a person traveling, a person waiting, and a gift for the person waiting.

Craft: In class we chose our group member of which my group member was Oleksandr Grechko. Together we agreed upon a concept, developed and story line and continued to alter and change our story line. After creating the story line we developed a story board consisting of 12 slides of which we have to create through photography. These photographs are to portray our story to the best of it's ability. We also both took photos, one of our slides from the story board, to use in class to experiment with different filters that would help and enhance the delivery of our story.

Composition: The composition of our story consists of a husband who is traveling away on business and will be returning to his waiting wife with a romantic and loving gift in mind. Instead, the only gift he have for his wife is the surprise that he doesn't want to be with her anymore but instead a woman he met while away on business.

Concept: The concept of this story was to be different and to hopefully have a fall, being the breakup, to the raise, being the marriage and family life of one year. I wanted to incorporate an ending that hopefully no one would expect.